Me and M.E.

These two photos were taken 48 hours apart. One is M.E. on a good day. The other is M.E. on a bad day. 

I am a person living with chronic illness. Good days are when I can get out and about using my electric wheelchair or my mobility scooter. Due to muscle weakness and joint pain, I would not be able to leave the house without them.

Bad days are when I’m bed bound and I can’t do anything mentally or physically because my body just stops functioning all together. These days I NEVER have a day when I feel totally healthy and well.

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome as its often called, is a debilitating and life changing disease, and one I feel I’m lucky currently to only have at a moderate level.

Even though my life is completely different than it was a few years ago (I was a fitness instructor and personal trainer before I became an author.) most of the time I’m not bedridden or permanently in a wheelchair as some sufferers are. 

I spend the majority of my time at home. I often use crutches or a rollator to get around in my house, as pain and weakness in my muscles and joints can sometimes make walking for more than a few steps very difficult. 

M.E. is more than feeling ‘a bit tired’. M.E. is a chronic, multi-system condition affecting the whole body. The World Health Organization classes it as a neurological disease. The effects of M.E. are devastating enough to leave 25% of patients housebound or bedbound and an estimated 75% unable to work. M.E. affects 15 to 30 million women, men and children around the world and often begins after contracting a virus. 

If you’d like to know more about M.E. and how it can affect you or someone you know, there is a lot of information here on the M.E. action website.

I am also a great supporter and advocate for disability, both visible and invisible. Many people living with chronic illness often face barriers in their daily lives, including a lack of understanding and negative attitudes. Some choose to wear the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower to discreetly identify that they may need additional support, or just a little more time in public spaces. The sunflower lanyard exists to help those that live with hidden disability to obtain help (should they need or want it) when they are out and about in places like shops, supermarkets or on public transport.